
07/2020 - Lab opens (with masks)

08/2020 - Jennifer and Princess join the lab!

11/2020 - Lab running smoothly!

01/2021 - Matt speaks at SfN Global Connectome

04/2021 - Lisanne joins the lab!

06/2021 - Grace joins the lab!

06/2021 - Matt receives a Searle Scholar Award to study collective behavior

06/2021 - Matt receives a Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship to study internal state persistence

06/2021 - Matt and Mikio Aoi receive a KIBM Innovative Research Grant Award to study neuromodulator flow

07/2021 - Jo-Hsien joins the lab!

10/2021 - Matt receives a Packard Fellowship to study collective decision making (thanks UCSD!)

02/2022 - David joins the lab!

02/2022 - Matt receives a Sloan Fellowship to study collective behavior (thanks UCSD!)

03/2022 - David is selected to be a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Human Frontier Science Program! Congrats David!!!

03/2022 - Lisanne is selected to be a Postdoctoral Scholar of the Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind! Congrats Lisanne!!!

04/2022 - Grace and Jennifer are selected to be NSF Graduate Research Fellows! Congratulations to you both!

05/2022 - Jo-Hsien and Grace head off to Woods Hole, to the Neural Systems and Behavior course at the Marine Biological Laboratory! Fun!

06/2022 - Julia joins the lab!

06/2022 - Matt is named a Pew Biomedical Scholar to study the neurobiology of group behavior (thanks UCSD!)

09/2022 - Jen re-joins the lab as a PhD student in Biology!!

11/2022 - Jennifer M joins the lab!

02/2023 - Lisanne and David publish their perspective on zebrafish brain maps

04/2023 - Katie joins the lab!

07/2023 - Julia heads off to Lisbon, to the Cajal course on Machine Learning for Neuroscience!

07/2023 - Jimjohn joins the lab!

08/2023 - Princess departs for grad school at UW - congratulations!!

10/2023 - Matt receives the NIH Director's New Innovator Award (thanks UCSD!)

10/2023 - We post our first preprint on the neurodevelopment of collective behavior in Danionella - from David, Lisanne, Jo-Hsien, Julia, and Princess

04/2024 - Lisanne departs for Paris, to continue collaborative work in Filippo del Bene’s lab at Sorbonne University

05/2024 - Katie is awarded a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation! Congrats Katie!!! UCSD News story

06/2024 - Jo-Hsien and Julia publish their review on the neurobiology of collective behavior, in Current Opinion in Neurobiology

07/2024 - Our paper on the neurodevelopment of collective behavior in schooling Danionella is published in Current Biology - congratulations David, Lisanne, Jo-Hsien, Julia, Princess, and Jimjohn!! UCSD news story here

07/2024 - David departs for Israel, to continue collaborative work at Bar-Ilan University

09/2024 - The lab begins our work with the newly established Allen Discovery Center for the Neurobiology of Changing Environments, a collaboration with our colleagues at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. UCSD news story here

10/2024 - Geoff joins the lab!
